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-I do not take actual money right now as payment-Do not claim my writing as yours-You don't have to credit me, but just say that you did not write it-When finished, I may ask for permission to post it on my own social media platforms. If I am not given permission, I will not post it-I'll send WIPS for longer works to make sure I am doing things correctly-Please pay when I'm halfway done longer works-My writing schedule is more akin to random bursts of energy, so it could be done quickly or slowly-Writing that's 500-1,500 words will be done in 1-7 days-My preferred method of contact is Discord-Please, please for the love of God if you're going to give me an OC give me every single bit of detail about them you can offer-----------------------------------------------

Fandoms I Write For:

Wings of Fire
Stardew Valley
Cookie Run
Hollow Knight

Canon Characters
X Reader
Body Horror
Drug Use
Hate Art
Heavy Abuse
Sexual Assault
Pedo Ships

Example 1: An Argument (WoF)

Glory paced around her bedroom, trying to tire herself out. It was yet another long and stressful day, which seemed to be more and more frequent these past few weeks. The NightWings are restless. The RainWings are freaking out over rumors. Nobody around her seems to be competent enough to handle even a simple task. She was the only one really doing anything now. The Rainforest Kingdom was unraveling, and there was little she could do to stop it.So, naturally, she wasn't exactly able to sleep. For starters, she already found the act of sleeping to be both a waste of time and a great way to let others easily assassinate you. Combined with an overworked and restless mind, there was little she could do to catch any shut-eye.And here she thought that being queen was just easiest job in the world; that she would have everything at the tip of her claws and could do anything. How foolish she once was. She almost wanted to go back in time somehow just to chew out her younger self."Glory?"Speaking of misconceptions her younger self had...The queen turned around to face her mate, Deathbringer. The King of the Rainforest Kingdom. Her partner in all of this chaos."You're feeling okay?" he asked."Fine. Just... great, actually," she snarled. "Of course I'm doing 'okay' after all of this. Of course, I'm just walking around because I like it and not because I'm stressed out of my scales over everything. No, not at all. It's not that-""I- I think I get it..." Deathbringer sighed. "I don't need you going on tonight, alright? I've got a bit of a migraine."Glory swallowed whatever snarky and rude reply she wanted to say. She didn't want to argue either. They'd been caught in this cycle for a while now, where they had little good to say to one another. Deathbringer would be out trying to contain the uprising that was happening in the NightWing village while Glory would be doing queenly duties. They'd only meet up at the end of the day, where they'd both be worked up, exhausted, and dreading the next day where everything would repeat.She sat down. "How was your day?" she inquired, trying to make some small talk."Same as usual," he replied. "Patrolling around, hearing word form some spies about new things and whatnot. It's all so... tiring.""And how is stopping this whole nightmare going?"He paused. "Not all too well."She flexed her talons. "Not too much of a surprise.""It would be better if I was given clearance to just do the raid, you know?" he snapped. "Get this whole thing over with. I hate going around in circles and trying to go about this 'quietly' while the situation just gets worse.""We can't just barge in head-first. I don't need a massacre on my talons.""There won't be any fighting, I swear-""Will there?" she argued back. "Most of the dragons you're overseeing are chomping at the bit for some action. How do you know that butting in during a meeting won't result in violence? You could contain your own troops, maybe, but what about the NightWings? They've been using their empowered dragonets to see into the future, no? What do you expect will happen?""If there is any fighting, we'll be prepared.""And then what? To everyone else it'll just be useless bloodshed.""Useless bloodshed that'll result in more lives being saved," he said. "Do you seriously think the lives of a couple violent revolutionaries are worth more than your own tribe? If this keeps building up, this could end much worse for everyone else.""It'll still be a massacre if you go in there. I can't see any way where it can end peacefully. You and your group will go in, they'll panic and attack back, some lives between both parties are lost, and word gets out about how there's a uprising in my kingdom. I don't need the other kingdoms sticking their snout in my business.""So what? Don't you want back up? Why are you so against getting help from the other queens?""You're thinking that they'll be on my side," she said, "which couldn't be completely right. Think about it. What would queens like Snowfall and Thorn say about me 'suppressing the voices of my citizens'?""Coral would love that though. I have no doubts she'd jump straight to your side.""I thought you knew my thoughts on her. I don't need her help. I don't need any of their help. This is all my problem.""All your problem?" Deathbringer echoed. "That's funny. I've been doing most of the work, haven't I? I'm the one supervising everything. I'm the one who reports the info back to you. All you do is just sit in the palace twiddling your claws. I'm in the trenches and fighting, not you. This is my problem too.""Oh don't go on with this again..." Glory rolled her eyes. "As a queen, I have as much involvement in this as you. I call the shots at the end of the day.""But is that really a good thing?" he retorted. "Like I said, you're not doing anything. We're just sitting ducks trying to stop a revolution without fighting. Can that really happen?""It can, and we're doing it whether you like it or not," she hissed."Why are you even so against fighting in the first place?!" he raised his voice. "What happened to that dragon before, the one who blindly went into the volcano to rescue all of those kidnapped dragons? Where is that beautiful dragon I once knew who flung herself into danger to save me, some good-for-nothing assassin?""I was young!" the RainWing growled back. Recognizing the escalation, she took a deep breath. "I didn't know how dangerous it'd be. I was naïve and stupid. I was recently crowned and didn't have much time to plan. I just wanted to... save you.""And now the kingdom is jeopardy again. You understand that these dragons are talking about overthrowing you, right? They aren't kidding around. These NightWings are aiming to cut your bloody neck off! You get that, right?""I do, I just don't want to do anything stupid and get more dragons killed.""Yeah, like doing nothing and then acting all surprised them they storm the palace, burn it down, and then you find yourself on the other end of a spear. Great plan. Yep. Good idea.""Can you just calm down for a second?!" Glory felt her scales slowly turn redder with each passing second. "You're acting like a dragonet.""Oh, what a shocker. Not like I've never done that before. You tend to forget that I was raised to be an assassin as soon as I crawled out of my egg.""And I was trained to be a 'Dragonet of Destiny' from the second I hatched as well. I don't need another argument over which one of us endured the worst, because we both know it was me.""You?" he barked a laugh. "You don't know how messed I was. When you met me, I was so deprived of any sort of love and positive interaction that I instantly disobeyed Morrowseer. I was that hungry for connection.""Yeah, thanks for that too. Because of you being a messed up dragon, you didn't kill me in cold blood. Real sweet of you.""Are you trying to be sarcastic right now?" he asked. "Glory, you would've been dead right now had it not been for that conversation.""You still were trying to go after me.""It was a job first of all. I didn't really think about it and just wanted the pay because, like I said, I was an assassin who hasn't had a single friend in eight years and fought tooth and claw just to make ends meet." Deathbringer fidgeted with his talons as he spoke, frustration flashing in his eyes. "I was just a lonely dragonet who did the only thing they knew how to do, kill for money."Glory bit her tongue. She wasn't new to Deathbringer's guilt tripping technique. She tried to resist, yet it all pooled out of her."Same could be said for me. You tend to forget that I was locked in a cave underground for my entire life, smacked around and used as a punching bag for equally as screwed up dragons. You don't understand that feeling, where you're told that you're a burden. That you are worse than nothing. That you'd be better off dead. That you were a mistake. That nobody loves you and the ones that say they do are only doing it out of pity. There is no escape. You can't run away to a different kingdom. You're stuck there, drowning. You're drowning and you're expected to just accept it. To flail would bring attention to yourself, which is worse than anything."Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "Don't act like you had it worse than me, because I did. No dragon has suffered like I have. I couldn't even try to find a way out, because then everyone around me would be disappointed. The other Dragonets of Destiny, the Guardians, the entire continent. They were all looking at me. They needed me. They needed to have somebody to hope for. And, guess what? It was all a lie! A lie..." Her voice began to break.She rested her wings on the floor. "I don't want to do this anymore..." she quietly said. "I didn't sign up for any of this. I could've just been another RainWing, living happily and blissfully unaware of anything. I could've had a normal life. I didn't want to be queen, but I needed to be one because everyone else was useless and we had a crisis going on. I was just a dragonet..."Deathbringer sighed. "Same here, being honest..." he replied. "If only I wasn't the dragonet of an assassin, maybe I would've had a bit more of a normal life. But...we both know that's not true."He turned away from her. "We're both stuck here now. I can't leave and neither can you. All we can do is just fake it until something happens." He walked towards the balcony. "I'm going out. I need some alone time."Glory stared at the ground. "Alright, just go."Silence filled the air as the two just stood there, quietly reflecting on the argument they just had. All they could hear is the faint sounds of the rainforest outside. So peaceful, so serene, so beautiful.Finally, Deathbringer spoke up. "You want to know something?" he asked."..sure.""I miss you," he said. "I miss us. I miss those moments when we first met. That RainWing who tried to fool me with a shoddy IceWing 'disguise'. That dragon who made me feel happy for the first time in years. I miss the gorgeous royal who looked to the future with bright eyes, talons in mine. I miss the dragon who gave us such an amazing daughter. I miss... loving you."Glory could hear the somber and regret in his voice. It felt so uncanny hearing him talk like this. Whenever she thought of him, she saw the funny and overdramatic dragon she loved. It had been three years since they got together. Things have only gotten worse.Where did it all go so wrong?...

Example 2: Scout Literally Dies (TF2)

God, what a great day to not be mauled by eight-foot-tall robot animals.Today would the first and final day of Jeremy working the dayshift at the local pizzeria. It's some hole-in-the-wall (more like a hole-in-the-head) piece of shit back-water place crawling with vermin, the most common type being kids. I mean, it's not the worst place has worked at before, though it's pretty high up there on the list. Worst of all: the pizza sucks ass. They couldn't even afford regular pizza, so they opted out to put red paint and shredded paper on a piece of cardboard.Oh, and also the murderous animatronics. This place, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, decided it'd be a great idea to let their half-ton hunk of wires and scrap metal roam around the place even after hours. Makes sense, considering this is Teufort and all, but still. These things are out for blood. The last five nights were a nightmare and a half to get through. Err, uh... It wasn't actually that bad. He could've done it in his sleep. Not like those freaky massive things made him nearly shit his pants every time they showed up or anything.At least it was his final day. That'd be the only silver lining of it all. Still, definitely wasn't worth the pathetic amount of money he got in return. At least now the team won't stop nagging him about constantly being around the base. Finally got out and touched grass for all of five days before the restaurant was shut down. Something about a bunch of kids randomly going missing. Honestly? It's probably the work of some crazed guy who's convinced he's going to steal the souls of them and live forever.So basically Medic. He wouldn't put it past him to kill children. Not that bad of a thing to do considering how irritating these kids are. Always leaving garbage behind and asking dumb questions like if they could go up and sing with Freddy or about if their missing friend will ever be found. Normal stupid children stuff.He still had one day shift though. He wanted to invite Engie, Sniper and even Miss Pauling over to celebrate, but neither of them had shown up. Miss Pauling, he could understand. She's probably off doing something sexy like answering phone calls and burning bodies. Engie and Sniper though? That stung a bit. He thought of them as his friends. Turns out? They didn't care about him. Almost like they're both merciless and sadistic killers or something.He tried to take his mind off of that. Considering how he's the last guy left working here, he was the only one supervising the crotch goblins. It was a pretty busy day as well. Several families decided to come over for one last hurrah. There was so much noise. Along with the heavily compressed 'singing' coming from the animatronics, there were the screaming children. The parents were neglecting their kids to just talk to each other or watch Freddy and his posse sing, so it seemed he was the only one responsible enough."Just a day..." he muttered. He looked at his name tag, proudly displaying his name as 'Jeremy Fritz'. Fritz was actually his mother's girlfriend's maiden name, but he chose it over Elbertson as he didn't want him and his antics to be traced back to her. Already on thin ice with having another job that requires you to use your real name while working as a mercenary in a town that hates your guts. Can't be doing that to ma, now can he?Suddenly, he was broken out of thought by the sound of a high-pitched whine. He looked down at his side, seeing a small girl tugging on his shirt. "Mister?" she said, "the Mangle is being weird again.""Again?! Didn't I just fix up the stupid thing?" he sighed, rubbing his face. "Alright. Let's see the damage you've done."The girl grabbed him by the hand, gently tugging him along. She dragged him to the Kids Cove, pointing to the mess of wires and metal limbs on the floor. It twitched and writhed around. A single pink and white fox head and foot stood out from the rest of the grey matter.The Mangle as these freaks called it was this rather concerning-looking thing. Originally it was supposed to be just a little mascot for the toddler area, only for it to be torn to be promptly torn to shreds by the mouth-breathers. Now, he may be a mercenary who fights every day in an arena full of bullets, fire, and French people, but even he knows that it's a horrible idea to keep this thing near kids. It's on brand with Teufort and its idiotic citizens, but still terrible nonetheless. It's a great thing this place is shutting down before it could hurt somebody."Alright, what's his problem?" he asked."She's being all weird. I'm too scared to try to help. She just keeps on shaking and growling-" Before she could finish, the thing lurched. It jumped a bit towards them, just barely lifting off the ground before falling flat. It then released a garbled and horrible sound, one so loud that it nauseating to hear.Jeremy was already all too familiar with this hunk of metal. He remembered sitting in that office and feeling his stomach drop whenever he saw it in the vents. It's crazy to even think that regular people could stand to be around it, much less toddlers. It's just an accident waiting to happen at this point."Ow ow ow, my ears!" he whined, covering them up. "Okay, we get it big guy. 'Oh, look at me! I'm so scary and big. I can climb on walls and move fast.' Real tough, aren't you? Real scary coming from a pink pile of wires and bolts that gets duped by a mask.""...what are you talking about, mister?""None of your business, kid. Just go over and eat your pizza or something. I don't need two things blaring in my ears, alright? Scoot. Move. Get."She frowned but obliged. Dejectedly, she walked away. Jeremy turned his attention back to the mass, trying to figure out what to do. He could just leave it be. Maybe he could shove it into a backroom and pray that it doesn't spring to life and start crawling through the vents. That'd probably be the best move at this point. Get rid of the problem and ignore it until his shift ends. If it gets out and starts slaughtering people, who cares? Not like he's getting sued or anything.He grabbed it by one of its three legs and began dragging it away. It was an awful sound, with the unprotected metal scraping against the floor. Combined that with the Mangle still making its static sound and thrashing around, it wasn't a very pleasant combination of noise in the end. He could feel the eyes of every party-goer staring at him."Hey, move along. Don't act like this is the weirdest thing you've seen before." He glared back. "Unless you like what you're seeing, then go ahead and stare."With no exaggeration, everyone in the pallor turned away from him. Went back to their own business and just casually ignored him."Geez, fine." He groaned, going straight back to dragging the Mangle. "Can you fricken believe these guys?" he whispered in the ear of the animatronic. "Fine art right in front of them. Not you, of course. Me! None of these idiots have any taste."Jeremy continued to ramble. As he did so, the Mangle began to twitch more violently. Its eyes were looking right at him, staring him down. He just naturally assumed it was listening. It's definitely alive, so maybe it's trying to show that it agrees with him."I mean, who do they take me for? Some skinny...technically now forty-one-year-old. Jesus, I'm getting old. Thank God for that stuff doc invented. Don't wanna know how or why it works, but I'm still sharp as ever. Looking and feeling like a twenty-something even after fifteen years. Hell, you'd probably be some rotting piece of junk in that time frame. Rusty and can't provide any entertainment, like those girls over there." He gestured to the middle-aged women in the party area.The sound the Mangle made just got worse. It just started trashing around more with no signs of stopping. "Man, you're quite the drama queen, aren't you? I only said that you'll never be as good-lookin' as me in fifteen years. Probably sold off as scrap metal and turned into a nice can of Bonk!. Ain't that bad of a fate. Besides, you'd be more useful and enjoyable as a can than right now."Suddenly, Jeremy's fingers were pinched. When it was twitching and convulsing, the area that he was holding onto slammed down on him. Pain rippled through his body as he dropped the Mangle. "Owchie ow ow!" he hissed, sticking his index finger in his mouth. He then looked up to see a bunch of other people staring at him. "Er, I mean uh... That didn't hurt!" He lowered his voice. "C'mon man, you can't do this to me. What makes you think you can just mess with me like that, huh?"He walked in front of it, crouching to its level. Jeremy still ignored its shaking, which was now at a dangerous intensity. "Think you're tough, don'tcha? Some old hunk of junk that gets drooled on by the kids daily? Nothing but a stupid bundle of wires and scrap. Think you can just squeeze my fingers like that? Real funny there. Go on, do it again. Do it again. I know you just want to kill me. Go on, bite me-"Before he could finish his sentence, the Mangle's head lunged at him. He couldn't react in time, allowing the animatronic to bite down on his skull. He could equate the pain to that of getting headshotted, but this time it wasn't instantaneous death. No no. The indescribable and horrible, yet brief agony remained. Its fangs dug into his head, refusing to let go.He screamed. "OW MY FACE!" He pushed it away. A terrible idea in retrospect, as in doing so, the Mangle tore off that chunk of his skull. It truly felt as though his brains have been blown out. He couldn't even comprehend it all. Overwhelmed with so much happening all at once. The screams from the patrons and the music blended together into one mass. He just collapsed onto the floor, lying on his side and with one arm resting on his back. He closed his eyes and just quietly waited to die.

Example 3: Give Him Ibuprofen (WoF)
(CW: Arguing, murder)

Albatross was standing around at the party, trying to distance himself as much as possible from any conversations and especially the live orchestra. It was a diplomatic party he was forced to attend for whatever reason, something he wasn't fond of to begin with. It was all just an excuse for Lagoon to show off the palace and all of his work that she used him for.That was all he was to her anyways. Just a tool to get her more things. A bigger palace, a stronger army, indestructible scales...His grip tightened on his chalice as he tried to calm his nerves. It didn't help that he was already agitated by the fact his sister had to bring him along to the party, even after he repeatedly said he didn't want to. She knew this about him. She just wanted to see him upset. No big surprise, she's been doing that to him ever since he crawled out of the egg.It didn't help that all around him the sound was amplified. After all these years, he finally understood his animus curse. It increased all of the sounds around him, and with it brought a constant ringing that would haunt him. Every enchantment, every spell, pushed him further and further to this point.Every second of his life was unbearable. Even a small, hushed conversation between two guards in a silent room sounded as though he was standing right beside them and they were borderline yelling.This party? All of the laughter and the music and the constant noise... It was torture. It was like being subjected to the sound of constant thunderclaps and never being free from the overwhelming booms and cracks. It was borderline indescribable the amount of agony he was in. He wanted to rip his ears off. He knew it would be useless. Somehow, some way the curse would remain.He would be like this for the rest of his life. It was all her fault. She was the blame for everything.He didn't bother trying to come up with some sort of excuse to try and relax. He was annoyed. Forced to come to some party that was just a poorly disguised show of how great Lagoon has it. How much she's profited off of his suffering.He was right to feel angry. He was tired of denying that anymore.He was just about to take another sip of his drink when he overheard his sister talking. Through the chaotic sea of constant garbled noise, her nasally and overdramatic voice was all he could hear."A statue of me, of course," she said. "Why would it be of anybody else?"The pale SeaWing turned to see that she was talking with two SkyWings. Nobility, he'd assume. He couldn't care to learn any of the attendant's names, they wouldn't bother with him either. Lagoon was displaying his marble fountain, the one with her displayed in a rather underserved grand light. She was triumphantly holding a spear and pointing it upwards to the sky, her eyes made from the finest sapphires he could create using the literal pebbles he was given.A surge of emotion pulsed through the dragon as he watched her laugh and brag about it all. It was nearly painful just listening to her.Then, a thought came to him. It wasn't too malicious, just to simply go up and give her a piece of his mind. Wouldn't that be nice? Just to go on over and finally show that he's not some plaything to toss around like nothing.But, he hesitated. A small, lingering fear held him in place. A voice of reason that begged him not to. Don't do it. She'll just harass you over it. You can't win this fight. Just sit here by the food table and wait for it all to end.He looked down at his chalice, quietly observing the punch in it. The pink-red blend of watermelons, apples, and raspberries swirled in his cup. He was able to see his reflection from the surface, looking into his own eyes.Then, he threw it to the ground, the silver goblet clattering against the floor and spilling the juice all over the floor. Defiance.Who cares what she thinks?He walked towards his sister, the world growing fuzzier around him. He didn't care about the dragons he was walking by or what they had to say. The voices and the music melted together into one incoherent mass of noise. All he could focus on was Lagoon and what she was doing.Managing to pick up on the conversation that she was having with the two SkyWings, he listened in. "You have animus dragons?" one asked, "and you let them live?""Of course! Why wouldn't you? You have a dragon able to create palaces from seawater and coral and you just don't do anything with them?""That is exactly the reason why we don't tolerate animus dragons," the other said. "There is far too much of a risk keeping them alive, both for the animus and everyone around them.""An animus that's a danger is a sign that the queen who controls them has let them go far too astray."An orange-pink SkyWing, one Albatross believed to be named Sunset, leaned closer to her and lowered her voice. Still, he could hear her loud and clear. "Do you not care about the legend? Constantly using them would eat at their soul!""And what about it? They're mere stories.""Is that what you think of them, Queen Lagoon?" the pale SeaWing finally spoke, now hovering just behind. His sister turned around, surprised to see that he was there. Her face went through a couple of different emotions, surprise and annoyance being the briefest before going to a more light-hearted one."Oh, Albatross!" she said. "We were just talking about you. Admiring your work, that is all.""Admiring would be a stretch..." he muttered.Lagoon didn't seem to hear him, instead raising her glass upwards. "Everyone? I'd like to give a toast to Albatross, my court animus, and the SeaWing's first-ever animus. He was the one who built the palace we are standing within." She spoke loudly and clearly to everyone on the level.Albatross' eyes went as wide as pie plates, knowing what was to come. He braced himself as he was suddenly bombarded with countless clattering of drinks and such. Dragons tapping against their goblets and emitting a horrible, mind-melting barrage of sound. It lasted for what felt like ages as he resisted every urge to cover his ears.He just stared at Lagoon, watching her. She looked content with her choice to announce his presence to the entire room, a smug grin showing that she was aware of his turmoil. Not only would this have given her another chance to brag to the party, but it would've also put her dear brother into a needless amount of agony.Soon enough, it died down. As soon as it did, Lagoon returned to her conversation as if nothing had happened. "While I've got you here, I wanted to tell you about this newest enchantment I've been thinking about," she said, clearly ignoring the already disturbed and distressed looks on the SkyWings. Only Lagoon would be so full of herself to still boast and brag to guests who are obviously terrified. Terrified of him, that is.He almost liked that feeling, having two dragons look at him not with irritation or confusion, but with fear. Felt somewhat empowering."We are thinking of making my scales indestructible, wasn't it? Or perhaps we could make another sort of little trinket that could kill off any dragon I see fit.""I believe you've forgotten about how we have not come to a consensus about that," he said. "In fact, you've left out how unenthusiastic I was about those abhorrent ideas.""Oh come now, we still have more time to talk about it. Stop being so difficult and just enjoy yourself.""I would be able to do that if I wasn't forced to come to this party. You know how I feel about those.""And? Everyone else is having fun, aren't they?" Lagoon motioned to Eagle and Sunset, both of which still trying to hide the fact that they were so very clearly mortified by Albatross' mere existence."Ah yes, so much fun standing around and listening to you blab on about my enchantments." He rolled his eyes, something he rarely ever did."Like I'm supposed to just not proudly display all you've done for the tribe?""How exactly does creating a fountain of yourself displaying you in such a rather unjustifiedly positive manner benefit your tribe?"The Queen's snout scrunched up, offended by his remark. "Watch your tongue, alright?""Why should I?" he asked. Those simple words have been constantly ringing in his head for all of his life. Finally being able to say them was beyond bliss."Because I'm the Queen of the SeaWings, am I not? You're my court animus. I rule over you, no?""And why is that? Am I not equal, if not more powerful than you? Tell me, my dear sister, are you able to even do a fraction of the things I can? Are you able to summon schools of fish at will in times of famine? Are you able to create objects capable of great wonder? Tell me, why don't you?""That's enough from you, isn't it?" she snapped, turning back to her guests. "He gets a bit cranky every now and then. I suppose it just happens with age. Or, maybe it's just an animus thing." The SeaWing waved her talons, dismissing him."No, no, you don't get to walk away from this that easily." He grabbed her claws, pulling her back to him. "It's time we had a little chat, isn't it?""Can't you bother me later? I'd rather enjoy myself now. I barely get to do anything fun and you're ruining what little of it I'm having.""I'm ruining your fun? Well, isn't that rich!" Albatross raised his voice, his words laced with sarcasm. "I've been working my scales off and ruining my hearing to the point where even talking to you right now is nothing more than pure torture, and for what? A pretty little palace for you to prance around in? A tacky statue for you to gawk at? A useless little mirror that tells you what pointless little trinkets to put on yourself that day? I have never gotten a day off from this; not even since when we were dragonets.""That's enough, Albatross." Lagoon tried to pry herself away from him."NO! You don't get to worm your way out of here this time." He squeezed her wrist tightly. "Listen to me for once in your life. I do not want to be your slave anymore."He could feel several eyes on him all at once, but he didn't care. All of the snouts and faces of these dragons melted and meshed together. The only thing clear to him was Lagoon and her hateful eyes."Excuse me?" she snarled. "Are you saying I don't care about you?""YES! That's EXACTLY what I'm saying!" He could feel himself growing more erratic and unstable, but that didn't matter. He didn't care. He didn't even care if anything changed. He just wanted to see something from his sister now."I've put up with you for years," Lagoon hissed. "I've suffered with your intolerance, your whining, your pathetic pleas and all of that. I've given you a place to sleep, food on your plate, and only ask for an enchantment or two every now and then. Is that so terrible? Is that so horrible for me to ask of you?""Are you saying giving me the bare minimum is acceptable? Don't act like I've gotten over you and your harassment of me. I can hear you talking about me. I've had to grow up listening to you mock and bully me over the smallest of things. Any mistake, anything that further separated me from the rest of the SeaWings, you exploited. You wanted to watch me cry, to break me down."He paused for a breath. "And look at where that's gotten you now?" he let out a weak chuckle."You're being childish right now. What I said when we were dragonets holds no water now-""Does it?! I still hear you spout the same words you said to me when I was just a hatchling! You, in your room, venting to some guard or general about how I refused to do some ridiculous enchantment for you.""ENOUGH!" Lagoon screeched. "Fine! If you're going to be that difficult, so be it! If you want to just be seen as the freak you truly are, go ahead! I've already got another animus, isn't that right, Fathom?"Albatross looked to his side, seeing a small emerald green SeaWing hiding amongst the crowd. He could see the fear and worry in his jade eyes as he shuffled closer behind another dragon, trying to hide."No..." the pale SeaWing whispered. He could see himself in the young dragonet. Another shy, awkward animus who was afraid of their own power. They were susceptible and could be taken advantage of. He didn't want his grandson to end up like him. He couldn't. He deserved more than that.He deserved to be free, like all animus dragons were always intended to be."What was that?" Lagoon spoke. "Oh! You've just now realized that one day he's going to usurp you? How nice, yes... Well, I for one can't wait for his training to be done with. Perhaps he'll go through it without any incidents like with you."Albatross tried to speak, but words couldn't form. Rage and anger were building up in him faster and faster. It felt even more distasteful for her to dance around Sapphire's claws, rubbing it in his face and holding it above him while leaving everyone else left to wonder. The world around him grew hazier and colder, making it hard to even breathe. He wanted to say something, do something, yet nothing happened. He was stuck.Until... one thought came to him. It was so appealing, so mesmerizing. He didn't fully understand it, but he knew he wanted to act on it."You don't get it, do you?" Lagoon continued. "You're mine. Fathom's mine. His animus dragonets will be mine. Animus dragons are supposed to serve their queen, no matter the cost. If you don't like that, then you can just get out of here."The thought lingered in his head, overpowering everything else. It took control of him entirely. It wasn't a bad feeling by any means; if anything, it was freeing. He felt disconnected from his own body, like an observer for the grand climax of a performance."You are nothing without your magic and you know it. All you are is just some gross, miscoloured freak of nature. Your only use is to obey me."Finally, he allowed it. He breathed as he felt his claws tingle slightly. It was only a matter of moments now until it would happen. He stood there, standing motionlessly as a crooked grin formed in the corners of his mouth.From across the room, he heard it. The sounds of silverware clattering. Then, in a swift motion faster than anything he had ever been witness to, a dark, blood-red line sliced across Lagoon's throat.That's when he saw it. The fear in her eyes. That authority and superiority replaced with horror and bewilderment. She raised her talons to inspect the wound, but it was already too late. Her knees buckled as she toppled down, her head smashing against the side of the fountain with a loud crack.He then felt something in his talons. Looking down, he saw a butcher's knife, scarlet red blood covering it all up until the hilt.He did it.He finally did it.He killed Lagoon.He was free.

Example 4: Accident (Omori)
(Spoilers for Omori)

Sunny looked down at what he had done. He knew now it would only be a matter of moments before Mari would come and see it all.His violin, the expensive and graceful one he had gotten for Christmas a little over a year ago, shattered to bits.Adrenaline raced through him as he remembered all of the little moments with it. Even if he was angry, even if his fingers felt blistered and ached with any minor movement, that violin held with it many of the boy's most precious memories.Now, it was broken beyond repair."Sunny?" Mari called out from the bottom of the stairs. He saw her older sister pop out into the room, her concerned expression fading as she saw the violin."Your... your violin..." she said, her eyes wide in shock. "You THREW IT?" Mari's voice boomed, startling Sunny."I'm sick of playing it!" Sunny replied. "I can't do it, I can't play that stupid song no matter how hard I try-""Sunny! Do you know what you've done?! His sister stared at the instrument. "The concert, you know, the day we've been working to for MONTHS?! That's TODAY Sunny!"Mari ran her fingers through her long black hair nervously. "Are you serious right now? You- do you know what you've done right now? So many people, our family, friends, our friend's families..."Sunny bit his lip. "I know! I never wanted to do this stupid concert anyways...""Why not?" Mari snapped back. "You had all of the last four months to say something! You wait until we finally have to go to do this?!"Even from at the top of the stairs, Sunny could see the tears forming in his sister's eyes. This concert meant everything to her.And he took it away, all because he couldn't do anything right like always."What's mom going to say? What about dad? What about Aubrey, or Kel, or Hero, or even Basil right here?! We all saved up our money to buy you this violin? What do you do with it? You throw it down the stairs! Is that how much it means to you?"Mari being mad was disturbing. She was always this calm, collected person. Seeing her getting angry and acting this way igniting something within Sunny. Worries, stress, anxieties. They all swelled up more and more with every word she spoke."Do you have any idea what this has done? We can't play. So many people are going to be disappointed because of this." She walked up the stairs, her feet stomping loudly on her way to him."And?" Sunny interrupted. "Would you rather them be disappointed that I can't even play the stupid thing?""I'd rather be able to play, even if it meant you screwing up one or two notes!" Mari cried. "Sunny, do you know how selfish you are being right now? We both practiced this piece for months and- and you do this?! You break your violin on the day of the concert?! How could you?"Sunny held his head as his sister stood motionlessly in front of him. The only sounds he could hear was of Mari's shallow and distressed breathing and his own heartbeat.Panic overwhelmed Sunny. He didn't want Mari to be mad. I mean, it all made sense as to why she was upset. It was some stupid, irrational and impulsive choice on his part. Nothing good would've come from his breaking his violin. What was he even trying to do?If he was trying to be a burden on others again, that's a great move on his part."How could you do this, Sunny?" Mari whispered.Sunny could barely think. Any words his sister may have said might as well have been meaningless garbled static. A loud ringing echoed through his ears as he stared at the ground, unable to even speak."Sunny..."Then, out of nowhere, an emotion struck him. Anger, rage, malice. Anything he's repressed over the years came spiraling into him. The frustrations with his violins, holding back every annoyance with Kel or Aubrey, how smug Hero could be at times and how controlling and needing Mari can be.It was all about her. This whole concert was for her. She was the main talent there, not him. It didn't matter if Sunny was there or not. Nobody cared about him. It was all about perfect little Mari.It felt as though he was lifted from his own body, becoming the unwilling audience who's forced to watch his life go by. He had no control over his own body anymore, acting only on instinct.He went down the stairs to grab his things, yet something suddenly appeared in his way, blocking him from moving down the stairs. He didn't even bother to see what it was as an urge raced through him.He lifted his hands and pushed forward, pressing whatever was in front of him away. His fingers screamed in agony, but he didn't care. He only wanted to get them out of the way.Sunny could hear it then, the sound of something hitting the ground repeatedly. A continuous tumble that went on for much longer than it should've. Each bang against the ground harder than the last, until it finally climaxed with a massive thump.Then, just as though this was some sort of a sick joke, he could feel his senses briefly return to him. He could see clearer now and feel his heart beat racing faster than it ever did before.His eyes wandered, following the noises he had heard preciously. His stomach dropped as he stared at the mass on top of his violin.It didn't look like anything he had ever seen before. A large lump coming from the floor covered in slick black hair. It almost looked like oil from a first glance, a puddle of pure black nothingness.Sunny came down the stairs to inspect it, each step causing the boards to creak loudly in his ear. He didn't know what it could possibly be. The pile of hair had broken his violin even more, causing shards of wood to scatter across the floor.It laid motionlessly, not moving a single muscle. He could barely even process what was in front of him, just staring in disbelief. His heart felt as though it was beating outside of him, like he himself was just fading in and out of consciousness. The boy said something, a name perhaps, but nothing responds.

[Will add more examples]